An illuminating identity to help Nelonen transform into the largest media entertainment brand of Finland

We created a modern visual identity inspired by the Northern Lights, to change the perception of Nelonen across Finland. The design is based on the creative concept ‘’The Magic of Big Entertainment’’ and shows colourful light, shed on big entertaining content. The colourscapes highlight the contrast between light and dark, synonymous to the rich contrasts within Finnish society.
An enchanting and vibrant identity

We created a new brandmark that is bold, modern and iconic. We used various colourways and gradients throughout the on-screen package and ident treatment. This establishes a flexible toolkit which is fresher, accessible and more dynamic. It's driven by a clean and confident graphic language, complemented by strong and emotive imagery.
All motion design is based on the same motion curve to enhance the brand experience
‘’Nelonen reveals the magic of big entertainment: amplifying the wonder and mystery of each and everything it touches”
The Sound of Magical Entertainment


An illuminating identity to help Nelonen transform into the largest media entertainment brand of Finland.
